
The Women of Colour Leadership Program (VPS Stream) is a foundational leadership program for Women of Colour working in the Victorian public sector.

The program is delivered by Women of Colour Australia (WoCA), Australia’s leading not-for-profit organisation advocating for a fairer and more equitable Australia for Women of Colour. The program was designed and developed in collaboration with the VPS Women of Colour Network (WoCN). The Women of Colour Leadership Program (VPS Stream) modules are adapted from the Women of Colour Executive Leadership Program (WoC ELP). 

The Women of Colour Leadership Program (VPS stream) will support emerging leaders in the Victorian public sector, providing workshops and coaching on foundational aspects of leadership development. The program will be delivered across October and November 2023.

The program is specifically designed for Women of Colour working at VPS5 or equivalent level, as evidence has shown women at this level in the Victorian public sector can face barriers and challenges in moving to the next leadership stage.

As part of the program, group coaching on inclusive workplaces will be offered to the workplace managers and sponsors of participants.

The program is fully funded by the Victorian Government through the Women’s Portfolio. There is no cost to participants or their employers.

The program is open to applicants who work part time or full time, and those who are in ongoing or fixed term roles.

Members of the VPS WoCN, image courtesy WoCN


The program is open to Women of Colour working in the Victorian public sector who are aspiring to move into management or leadership roles.

To be eligible, applicants must:
• identify as a Woman of Colour and/or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
• identify as a woman or gender diverse person
• work at the VPS5 or equivalent level in their substantive role
• be available to attend all sessions
• complete the application in full, and submit by the due date

There are 30 places available in the program.

Applicants should discuss the commitment level for this program with their line manager prior to applying.

Program overview

The program comprises two all day workshops delivered in person in Melbourne, two online small group coaching sessions and an online community sensemaking session. Applicants must be available to attend all sessions delivered as part of the program. 

Monday, 23 October 2023

Session #1: Identity and Courageous Leadership

Facilitated by Tasneem Chopra OAM.
Full day workshop, commencing with a welcome breakfast at
7:30am (delivered in person in Melbourne CBD)

Between 24 October – 3 November

Session #1 small group coaching - Deep dive and practical


Facilitated by Tasneem Chopra OAM.
Groups of 5-6 participants, delivered online, two hour session.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Session #2: Authentic Communication & Presentations

Facilitated by Winitha Bonney OAM.
Full day workshop (delivered in person in Melbourne CBD)

Between 30 November – 7 December

Session #2 small group coaching - Deep dive and practical strategies.

Facilitated by Winitha Bonney OAM.
Groups of 5-6 participants, delivered online, two hour session.

Friday, 8 December 2023

Sensemaking and reflection

Two hours, delivered online.
Facilitated by Women of Colour Australia.

Meet the Facilitators

Tasneem Chopra OAM

Tasneem Chopra OAM is an experienced Cross-Cultural Consultant and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) trainer helping businesses, not-for-profits and government understand and navigate diversity and inclusion using an intersectional lens.

Winitha Bonney OAM

Winitha Bonney OAM is a global expert in helping corporates build inclusive cultures and Australia's first and foremost Thought Leader in the advancement of People of Colour.

Application and selection process

VPS WoCN Executive Committee and Champions, image courtesy WoCN

Applications for the program open at 9:00AM on Monday, 10 July 2023 and close at 11:59PM on Sunday, 30 July 2023.

• Prospective applicants are to complete an application form, available by clicking the APPLY NOW button below
• Applications will be assessed by an independent panel at Women of Colour Australia.
• Women of Colour Australia will recommend a shortlist of 30 candidates for the program.
• The panel will recommend a shortlist that includes applicants across a range of departments and entities.
• The panel will consider applicants’ diverse attributes in their assessment, recognising that experiences of gender inequality may be compounded by other forms of disadvantage or discrimination on the basis of attributes such as disability, age, cultural diversity or LGBTIQ+ identity.
• Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by mid-September 2023.

Members of the VPS WoCN, image courtesy WoCN

More information

WoCA will host two online information sessions to support prospective applicants and/or their managers to learn more about the program and application process. To register for an information session, please contact:

  • Information session #1: Thursday 13 July at 12:00pm
  • Information session #2: Wednesday 19 July at 12:00pm


If you have any questions about the program, please contact Sana Yousaf at Women of Colour Australia.

Application guide and FAQs

Selection processApplications will be assessed by a panel at Women of Colour Australia. The panel will make a recommendation of 30 successful candidates. Each application will be assessed by two panel members, using an assessment tool consistent across the panel.

The panel will recommend a shortlist that includes applicants across a range of departments and entities.

The panel will consider applicants’ diverse attributes in their assessment, recognising that experiences of gender inequality may be compounded by other forms of disadvantage or discrimination on the basis of attributes such as disability, age, cultural diversity or LGBTIQ+ identity.

In completing your application, please check the word limits.

Successful applicants will be notified in mid-September.

Applicants who are unsuccessful at this stage will be notified via email after all successful applicants have accepted a place.

The application process does not include an interview.

This guide to writing to key selection criteria in the VPS may be of assistance – while it applies to careers and job applications, the approach may support you to prepare your application: How to write key selection criteria (

Letter of support is not requiredYou do not need to have a letter from your manager attached to your application form. However, it is recommended that you speak to your manager before applying so that they are aware of your interest in the program and the time commitment.

EligibilityThe program is open to Women of Colour working in the Victorian public sector who are aspiring to move into management or leadership roles.

To be eligible, applicants must:
• identify as a Woman of Colour and/or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
• identify as a woman or gender diverse person
• work at the VPS5 or equivalent level in their substantive role
• be available to attend all sessions
• complete the application in full, and submit by the due date

If your substantive role is at the VPS4 or equivalent level but you have been acting in a VPS5 level role for at least 12 months, you may also apply.

How will workplaces be engaged?The program will include a companion component, which is engaging with participants’ workplace managers or a leader or sponsor in the workplace. Workplace ‘sponsors’ will be able to access group coaching on supporting an inclusive workplace for women of colour to thrive. Full details about this component will be communicated to the successful applicants, once the selection process is complete.

Who is this program designed for?This program is open to women and gender diverse people working in the Victorian public sector who self-identify as a Woman of Colour, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The program is open to people who hold a VPS5 or equivalent level role. It is open to applicants who work part of full time, and those who are in ongoing or fixed term roles. The program is specifically designed for Women of Colour, providing a contextualised and culturally safe workshop and coaching program which recognises the distinct situations that Women of Colour navigate in the workplace.

What will I learn?You’ll take part in interactive and collaborative learning activities, delivered by subject-matter experts chosen for their considerable experience working in the diversity and inclusion space. Workshop one will be delivered by esteemed cultural consultant and diversity, equity and inclusion trainer Tasneem Chopra OAM, looking at culture and identity, as a foundation for considering leadership development. Workshop two will be delivered by global inclusion expert Winitha Bonney OAM, looking at authentic communication for Women of Colour. 

After each workshop, you’ll take part in small group coaching facilitated by Tasneem Chopra and Winitha Bonney. Coaching will explore topics and issues that emerged during the workshops at a deeper level, and look at practical strategies and tips for the workplace.

Do I need manager's support to apply?Whilst you are encouraged to have conversations about career aspirations and planning with your manager as part of your performance development plan, you do not need formal manager approval to apply. However, we encourage you to have a conversation with your manager about the program and how it relates to your career aspirations and development. 

You will need your manager’s engagement and approval to participate in the program and support to arrange coverage of your usual role duties.

Is there a cost to the program?The program is fully funded by the Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Office for Women, through the Minister for Women. There is no cost to participants or their departments.

I need additional support to attend the program. Is this available?If you have accessibility requirements to enable you to participate fully in the program, please contact Women of Colour Australia to discuss, at

Women of Colour Australia exist to champion Australia’s Women of Colour through programs of education, community support initiatives and advocacy work.


"Women of Color is not a biological designation. It is a solidarity definition. A commitment to work in collaboration with other oppressed women of color who have been minoritized. It is a term that has a lot of power." Loretta Ross
Learn more here


Women - Transgender and cisgender, all those who experience or have experienced oppression as women, including non-binary and gender non-conforming people and all those who identify as women. Self-definition is at the discretion of the individual.
Definition credit:


A - always centre the impacted
L - listen and learn from those who live in oppression
L - leverage your privilege
Y - yield the floor
*Mnemonic credit: Kayla Reed Executive Director ACTION St. Louis Follow Kayla Reed on Twitter @iKaylaReed

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WOMEN OF COLOUR LTD ABN 17 643 518 576 ACN 643 518 576 is an Australian Public Company Limited by Guarantee. We are a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). We have Deductible Gift Recipient status and operate the WoC Harm Prevention Fund. Gifts to the Fund may be deductible.

The WOMEN OF COLOUR AUSTRALIA logo is a Registered Trademark of WOMEN OF COLOUR LTD.

Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved

We acknowledge the Wallumattagal clan of the Darug nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which Women of Colour Australia is situated. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge and honour the strength and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with whom we stand in solidarity. We acknowledge that as settlers on this stolen Aboriginal land, we are beneficiaries of the dispossession, genocide, and ongoing colonial violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We believe that it is our collective responsibility and moral imperative to help dismantle the systemic barriers and structural inequities oppressing the original inhabitants of this land. We are also painfully aware that this land was taken forcibly, without a Treaty or reparations made. We have taken a practical step towards honouring sovereignty by paying the rent – and we invite you to do so too. This land is and always will be Aboriginal land. Sovereignty was never ceded.